Join Unisearch’s extensive panel of experts and renowned industry leaders drawn from Australia’s leading universities, commercial enterprises and independent consultancies. Unisearch actively encourages academics and industry specialists to consider joining its esteemed expert community.
Some of the benefits of becoming and an expert witness are:
- Generating an additional revenue stream
- Expand your career and broadening skillsets with exposure to litigation
- Applying superior industry knowledge and rigour to the discovery process
- Embracing challenge and being presented with multidimensional projects
- Engaging with the broader professional and academic community
- Strengthening a case with well reasoned, clearly communicated expert opinions that can withstand scrutiny
- Remaining vital to the professional community, sharing wisdom and giving back
1. Expert match
When Unisearch receives a ‘Find an Expert’ enquiry from a client, they:
- Match suitable experts from their panel
- Contact experts to discuss interest, availability and any potential conflicts
- Forwards the expert’s CV to the client for consideration. Unisearch may arrange a brief conversation with the client at this point to clarify the key issues affecting the scope of work
- Follow up with client to obtain CV approval
3. Approve and appoint
- Unisearch will notify the expert to commence work once the fee proposal is approved. Work is not to commence prior to the formal engagement
- If any additional or supplementary work is required, the expert must contact Unisearch and a new quote will be issued. This must receive formal approval prior to the commencement of additional work
4. Execution
A dedicated Client Relationship Consultant will manage all aspects of the engagement for the life of the matter, including:
- Connecting the expert with the client
- Assisting with travel arrangements and any procurement related to project work
- Reviewing, proofing, formatting and publishing the report prior to submission
- Liaising in regards to subpoenas, attendance at court and/ or mediation and arbitration, as required until project completion
Save time: Engaging Unisearch saves time, relieves resources and increases efficiency and productivity.
Back-end support: Unisearch manages all expert related logistics, such as:
• Subpoenas, supplementary reports, attendance at court and/or mediation, and arbitration
• Travel
• Inspections and/or medical examinations
• Quotations
Receive complete backing: Unisearch does all these things and more for you, so that you don’t have to.
Unisearch uses the following criterial to select an expert:
- CV keyword match
- Experience in recent and relevant matters
- Referrals and recommendations
- Pricing and geographic considerations
The client seeking your expertise will provide a Letter of Instruction. This will need to include:
- Key issues
- Facts and assumptions
- Questions for the expert (as specific as possible)
- Deadlines, hearing dates, or expectation of timing
- Advice should an appointment or site visit be required
- Notification should a draft report be required
- Additional information, as required (clarifying the source of information)
- A copy of the relevant Expert Witness Code of Conduct, with the instruction for acknowledgement
A typical case will take 6-10 hours, to include briefing, a site visit or patient examination and report preparation. However, please be aware that all matters have different parameters depending on the scope of work, specialisation and industry. Please speak with your Client Relationship Consultant if you anticipate the project becoming more complex and/ or lengthy to ensure the client’s expectations are managed accordingly.
The turnaround time for a typical report is generally four to six weeks (from approval to delivery). Please speak with your Client Relationship Consultant if you anticipate the project becoming more complex and/ or lengthy to ensure the client’s expectations are managed accordingly.
There is not a stock standard flat rate as all matters have different parameters depending on the scope of work and specialisation. Please speak with your Client Relationship Consultant to determine a fair and reasonable rate that reflects the scope of work, and is acceptable to all parties.
Unisearch charges an administration and management fee for its involvement with all matters. Accordingly, separate contracts exist between Unisearch experts and Unisearch clients. It is a breach of contract to discuss rates directly with the client. Please refer any client-related fee enquiries to your Client Relationship Consultant.
Unisearch will provide written authorisation to commence works once the fee proposal is approved. Work is not to commence prior. Payment is not guaranteed if work starts before the formal engagement.
Please contact your Client Relationship Consultant to arrange a quote for additional work required. Unisearch will provide written authorisation to commence works once the fee proposal is approved. Work is not to commence prior. Payment is not guaranteed if work starts before the formal engagement.
A pre-agreed rate is quoted for the scope of works and must be adhered to throughout the course of a matter. A different hourly rate may be applied to future jobs, as long as it’s stated/ authorised from the outset.
Please email your reports directly to your Client Relationship Consultant in either Microsoft Word or plain text format. The Unisearch expert report template is available on request.
Less than 5% of all matters result in the matter being heard in court. Unisearch can assist in your preparation and training if required in the form of intensive one-day workshops or bespoke training.
A subpoena is a court order requiring you to attend a case. If you are unable to attend court on the date(s) specified, please contact our Client Relationship Consultant who will endeavour to negotiate with the client to make alternative arrangements (i.e. change the hearing date or seek leave to hear via telephone evidence).
Payment terms are 30 days irrespective of the outcome of the proceedings.